Неделя английского языка


Со 2 по 7 октября 2017 года в МБОУ  “Илсхан-Юртовской ОШ» была проведена первая предметная неделя английского языка.

"To love, to enjoy and to explore English",

 was the theme of English Week this year. In order to enhance scholar's interests in learning English, different marvelous and interesting activities were held during the week. To spice up the activities, all our English society members really did a great job and we tried our very best to make our English Week a success. We are really proud of what we did.


To summarize the activities, we had Language Games, English Quiz, Book Club, Storyboard and droving competitions. All of them were enjoyable and intriguing activities. I think participating scholars had a great time with them!

   With the aim to explore English in fun and better ways, this year, we have opened an English speaking club “Millenium” Doesn't it sound great? For me, it is really great opportunity for my experience to work more with the children as we wished.  Besides, all your enthusiastic support gives us the drive to do better next time. Hope you will eagerly join the functions held in English club. Enjoy reading this newsletter!

Melhasni Salmanovna.